Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Calm Down, Come Alive Series: Resilience with Rob Clark
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
It takes more than a positive attitude to overcome difficult situations! In this new interview with resilience expert Rob Clark, you’ll learn his groundbreaking philosophies on overcoming adversity - and you’ll know exactly what it takes to calm down and feel better when life throws you an unexpected curveball.
Life just keeps throwing us one curveball after another! As we manage the extended and uncertain nature of the pandemic, we are now called on to handle race-based trauma, environmental chaos and political unrest like never before...and positive thinking just isn’t going to cut it.
In this new interview, Kristine Carlson sits down with resilience expert Rob Clark to learn his key philosophies and tactics on how to manage adversity. You’ll learn the next steps to take whenever you’re feeling overcome, overwhelmed, and afraid.
If you’re worried that your personal challenges may feel too large to overcome, please be assured that resilience is innate within all of us. We simply just have to clear the barriers to our own inner strength so we can calm down, feel better, and live with grace and resilience. You can do this!
And if this interview was valuable to you, you won’t want to miss Rob Clark’s weekly blog The Resilient Worker @ www.resilientworker.net, which delivers 600 words of resilient inspiration to his readers every Monday morning.
His new book Everyday Resilience for Everyday Heroes is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble online, and everywhere books are sold!
To help you calm down and feel better, be sure to check out our popular Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff Happiness Training Courses >> HERE. In these courses, you’ll learn the strategies and tried-and-true tools on how to reduce anxiety and live a happier life from the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series - with over 30 million books sold!